Mr. Conductor introduces us to the Island of Sodor and Thomas. While at the station, Thomas and Gordon
meet a rather undesirable old friend, Diesel 10. Diesel 10 states that he has unfinished business and wants to finish it fast.
Thomas meets up with James at Tidmouth Sheds and exchanges words but this dosent last long as Diesel 10 interupts them.
He threatens to have them scrapped and tells them that hes looking for a lost steam engine. Thomas promptly chases after him,
questioning him.

We are then introduced to Patch
and Mutt, who are painting the Shining Time Station sign (Shining Time Station, town population 5006, give or take) and informs
Mutt that Billy Twofeathers will be back soon. After returning, Billy congratulates Patch. Patch then goes off to Muffle Mountain.
We are then introduced to a sad
man, named Burnett Stone. He had a secret which was an Engine, named Lady whom he only shared with his childhood friend and
later wife, Tasha. Meanwhile back at the Station, Stacy shares a drawing she found of Burnett. Back at the mountain Patch
finds Burnett, who shares his secret with him.
Meanwhile back on Sodor, Diesel
10 is admiring a carving of him on the side of a mountain. We then meet Diesel’s two cronies, Splatter and Dodge. Who
are reluctant to get his plans and doubtful about it as well.
Back at Shining Time, Mr. Conductor gets ready to leave for Sodor but Mutt does not want him or Billy to leave Shining Time.
Mutt senses great danger and unease.
When Mr. Conductor arrives on Sodor, he finds Thomas and explains that his journey
to Sodor just gets bumpier and bumpier.

We are then introduced to Lily,
who lives in the Big City with her mother (and possibly father?) and is Burnett’s granddaughter. All she wants is to
have a good relationship with her Grandfather.
Again on Sodor, James is grumbling about being supposed to collect Mr. Conductor. Gordon comes and only defends James as he
is a big engine. Henry is of great unease as well as he realizes that Diesel is here to be rid of the lost engine. Diesel’s
plan then goes into fruition when Harold the Helicopter comes by, blowing sneezing powder, which Diesel had dumped all around
the sheds around the yards.
Mr. Conductor then reads a letter
that the Fat Controller has left for him while he runs the railway. While playing around with his Top Hat, he receives a call
from Sir Topham Hatt.
While spending the night at Tidmouth
Sheds, Mr. Conductor and the engines are abruptly disturbed by Diesel 10 who knocks down the construction barriers and threatens
Mr. C with his claw (dubbed “Pinchy”) as he knows that Mr. C knows the location of the lost engine. Mr. Conductor
fends Diesel off threatening to clog Diesel’s tank with Flour. Mr. C realizes that his gold dust is disappearing. That
night he has a nightmare in which he sees Stacy walking past what was once Shining Time. The Magic has apparently disappeared.
He then wakes up and realizes he must try to find more gold dust.

Meanwhile, Lily tries to get on
her train to see her Grandfather. But Mutt comes by and directs her to Billy’s train “The Rainbow Sun”.
Back on Sodor, Mr. C goes looking for more gold dust at the windmill only to find a bunch of rocks in the forest. Meanwhile
the Engines have a meeting. They are worried about the future of Sodor and Mr. Conductor so Thomas goes off to find him. Back
at the forest, Mr. C finds a note where he thought the windmill was from a mysterious source named “Rabbit”. The
source leaves him some Carrots to help him think. He then promptly calls his cousin, C. Junior. Mr. C prompts Junior to go
to his signal house painting at Shining Time and look for some more gold dust.
Lily soon arrives to Shining Time realizing that she is at the wrong place. He soon discovers Junior while he was lurking
within Mr. Conductors signal house. Lily soon discovers some Gold dust that Junior left behind.
Mr. Conductor while lying down
near the line realizes that his world is crumbling. He soon finds Thomas searching for him.
Back at Shining Time, Stacy finds
Lily sitting there with a Harmonica looking for Lily as Burnett was very worried. She then drives her back to Muffle Mountain
and tells her about Burnett’s relationship with Tasha. They find Burnett giving directions to a lost motorcyclist (Actually
P.T. Boomer). She returns Lily to Burnett. While driving back to Burnett’s cottage, Lily gives her grandfather a friendship
bracelet she made, learning this from her grandmother.
Back on Sodor, Thomas and Percy consult with each other and Percy has a thought about the Lost Engine having a Lost Railroad
as well. Unfortunately, Diesel hears over this and goes off to have a meeting. Toby then follows them and distracts them causing
Diesel to push the shed over with Pinchy trapping them.
Later Thomas loses a Coal truck
through the Magic Buffers. Thomas later consults with Percy on this. Thomas gives Percy the task of keeping the buffers from
Diesel, much to the anguish of Percy.
Later, Mr. Conductor faces Diesel 10 again who grabs him with Pinchy, threatening to drop him from the Viaduct if he doesn’t
tell him the whereabouts of the lost engine. Mr. Conductor soon finds his Dream is coming true as the Viaduct is now starting
to collapse. Luckily, Mr. Conductor finds a pair of pliers and snaps one of Diesel’s claw wires causing him to be shot
up in the air and to the windmill. He soon finds another clue but to no avail.
Dodge and Splatter then question
Diesel as to why he let “Twinkle Toes” (Mr. Conductor) escape. Diesel stating he did it on purpose. Out of anger
he uses Pinchy to slam the Coal chute causing Coal to dump out all over him.
Patch then meets Lily and start
to get acquainted. Burnett agrees to let Lily come with Patch back to Shining Time. They then ride Patch’s horse there,
as Burnett questions the future with his engine.
Lily meets with Junior back at Shining Time again and he agrees to take her with him to Sodor. As they go through they notice
the missing Coal Truck. Upon arrival, they soon meet Thomas, who is not pleased to see Junior (who had once stuck party poppers
down Thomas’ Funnel) but he is pleased to meet Lily. They soon meet with Mr. Conductor at the windmill. Junior and Mr.
C then exchange words until receiving a call from Sir Topham Hatt. As Mr. Conductor speaks with him, Junior irresponsibly
goes for a ride on the windmill arms. The wind flings him off and onto the back of Diesel 10, who takes him hostage.
Back at Muffle Mountain, Patch
informs Burnett that Lily has gone missing. Burnett however knows that they will find her.
That night on Sodor, Percy finds
the magic buffers only to see that Dodge and Splatter are reluctantly there as well. Percy goes off to inform Thomas.
Mr. Conductor is trying to keep
Lily cheerful by a fire by playing Cards. Lily was worried about her grandpa. Mr. Conductor tried to keep her optimistic by
saying that he could possibly sense where she is. As they talk, Mr. C figures out the clue from the Windmill.
Back at Burnett’s workshop,
Patch tells him that he can hear Lady whistle at night and Burnett states so too and reveals her magic qualities. Patch then
realizes that there is a magic railroad.
Percy explains to Thomas that
they should get Lily back before Diesel destroys the whole railroad. Mr. Conductor prompts Thomas to take Lily through the
magic railroad.
After being convinced to do so Thomas takes Lily to her universe. They recovered the missing Truck from the Railroad. As Lily
left, the wind picked up and Thomas fell off the mountain into a portal back to Sodor.
Lily then finds Patch and goes
back to her grandfather. Burnett is relieved to see her and she explains all that happened. However he is unable to help as
Lady’s steam won’t go up. Lily then realizes that Sodor Coal would make her go.
Diesel 10 then takes Junior to the Smelter Yards. Diesel nearly runs right into James, with a tremendous halt, Junior
landed on James’ cab. Diesel tries to make James fall down the scrap hole though Junior was unable to transport James
but finally got him to where Mr. Conductor was. Mr. Conductor then confirms to Junior that there is no more magic.

After getting Lady running again,
they start going through the magic railroad where Lady gains a face. They soon come to Sodor and meet up with Mr. Conductor
and Junior who then realize that the engine is the lost engine.
As Thomas emerged from the Magic Buffers, along came Diesel 10 trying once again to destroy her. Dodge and Splatter
refused to come with, wishing to redeem themselves. Burnett jumps in her promising he would not let her down this time. Mr.
C and Junior then realize that Lady is the source to the gold dust. Diesel 10 chases them until he falls off the collapsing
viaduct and onto a barge.

Thomas, Lady, Burnett and Lily meet Mr. Conductor and Junior. They use the water from a wishing well and shavings from the
rails of the Magic Railroad to make more gold dust, and the Island of Sodor is saved.
The Movie suffered badly as a result of the Los Angeles test audience mostly.
Many of them did not approve of the British accents or some characters or any other accent. The edits left the movie watered
down and a lazy plotline.

Originally in the movie there was to be a major villain named “P.T. Boomer”, who was jealous of the relationship
that Burnett and Tasha had as children and had bullied Burnett into letting him to take Lady for a run. After which crashing
her, he left Shining Time leaving Burnett to try fixing Lady to no avail. P.T. Boomer’s role was filmed and played by
Doug Lennox.
The reason for his cut was the test audience’s claim that he was too scary for children. This cut from the movie was
so close to the release that, Boomer was seen in one of the trailer’s shown falling off Diesel 10’s cab as he fell off the viaduct. Many plot elements in the movie
were then left unexplained due to his cut. P.T. Boomer appears as Lily and Stacy finds Burnett in the Movie but it was edited
so it appeared that he was giving the motorcyclist directions. Also in some chase scenes, he can be seen on Diesel 10’s
cab. He also appeared in coloring books by Random House. He is in storyboard concepts showing him as both a typical old biker
while later on he is depicted as an ugly hairless old man with one tooth and a trench coat.

Bruce Simpson's portrayal of P.T. Boomer in one of his storyboard's

Doug Lennox during shooting of the film

George was originally to be given a role
in the Movie as one of Diesel’s henchmen and would be given Tidmouth Shed’s turntable as his own personal roller-rink
as reward for trying to find and smash the magic buffers. However, George’s model was never taken out of storage and
his lines were edited out from the movie.
Cranky was to be given a less important
role and was originally meant to have dropped oil canisters on Diesel 10. In the script, it was that he was to drop Fruit
on Splatter, Dodge and Percy. This scene was replaced with the one at the Coal chute. Cranky had a cameo at Knapford yards,

Some of the original voice actors had also suffered from the hands of the test audience
Thomas was to be voiced by an Isle of Man part time taxi driver/fireman named John Bellis. This movie was supposed to be what
was to launch his career. Britt Allcroft met John and immediately thought that would be Thomas’ voice. However his voice
over suffered due to how old Thomas sounded and was replaced by Eddie Glenn. John Bellis was acknowledged however in the credits
or the movie.
Percy and James were supposed
to be voiced by Michael Angelis, who had been the narrator for Thomas the Tank Engine in the UK since 1993. He was flown over
to America to do the voices. He as well suffered at the hands of the test audience. James and Percy’s voices were replaced
by Susan Roman and Linda Ballantyne.
Diesel 10 originally had an upper class English accent provided by Australian actor, Keith Scott. However while Neil Crone
and Kevin Frank were recording lines for the Troublesome Trucks and Crone had done a random imitation of Diesel 10 using a
Russian accent which Britt Allcroft had heard and liked. So for the next draft Crone had done Diesel 10’s voice but
he suffered at the hands of the test audience. They thought the Russian accent would be offensive and thus for the last draft,
Crone gave Diesel 10 an American accent and referred to Diesel 10’s claw as “Pinchy” which had not been
done in previous drafts. Both Scott’s and Crone’s original Diesel 10 voices can be heard in one of the trailers.
While I haven’t the
foggiest idea what role he played in the movie but Patrick Breen was the voice or role of some character but I honestly don’t

In the movie there were many other
proposed ideas, however to me, it is a mystery as to whether they were ever in the Director’s Cut are unknown at this
point. Originally the idea was that Lily would be telling this story to her child 20 years later. She would be married to
Patch and own an offspring of Mutt. It is plausible that this was used as the adult Patch is even credited in the movie as
being played by Robert Tinkler.
As for how Diesel 10 and
P.T. Boomer would have ended is that they would have vanished due to some sort of magic dust effect, or they were turned into
sludge themselves in the Barge, with some trick from C. Junior’s bandana. Also an intended part of the Chase scene was
that, P.T. Boomer was a stowaway within Thomas’ Cab and was grabbed by Diesel 10 while trying to destroy Thomas and
placing him on his back. However in the cut this is changed to him, flying out the magic buffers and landing on Diesel’s
Dodge and Splatter were also meant
to be introduced at the sheds at the scrap yard with Diesel and George. In the original script they were ordered to destroy
the magic buffers by George in the end. Though they only end up bumping into each other at the switch points. It is rather
clear that in the Director’s Cut clip I saw on youtube, that they had more British accents, whether they were voiced
by someone else is not clear to me really.
Lady was apparently never meant
to speak but she was given a voice so that Britt Allcroft could have a voice within the movie.
Proposed storyboards indicate
that also Thomas appears after Mr. Conductor is done scrubbing James down. The storyboards also show the portal to Sodor inside
a cavernous tunnel. Also as Thomas brings Lily through the portal, she was to fall out his cab. The script had this as Patch
going into the portal with his Horse and recovering it.

There are a few deleted scenes
that can be seen in Trailers and DVD Extras. These don’t include any with P.T. Boomer (other than one certain one).
I don’t count the recently discovered scene including him in it.
-A Scene of Burnett nailing together
a Birdhouse
-C. Junior having his last sip
of a Summer Sunday but only gets splashed with it.
-Thomas pulling Annie and Clarabel
down the track
-Thomas stating that little engines
can do big things and Diesel coming up and threatening him
-Diesel falling off the
Viaduct with P.T. Boomer falling off him (this is note worthy as this is the only appearance of Boomer in a Trailer.
Mr. Conductor – Alec Baldwin
Burnett Stone – Peter Fonda
Lily – Mara Wilson
C. Junior – Michael E. Rodgers
Patch – Cody McCains
Stacy Jones – Didi Conn
Billy Twofeathers – Russell
Thomas – Eddie Glenn
Henry – Kevin Frank
Gordon – Neil Crone
James – Susan Roman
Percy – Linda Ballantyne
Toby – Colm Feore
Diesel 10 – Neil Crone
Lady – Britt Allcroft
Dodge – Kevin Frank
Splatter – Neil Crone
Bertie – Kevin Frank
Harold – Kevin Frank
Annie and Clarabel – Shelley
Elizabeth Skinner
If anyone at all is interested
in seeing the Director’s cut of Thomas & the Magic Railroad, please help the cause and sign Sodor Island Forums
Directors Cut petition -
All of us from thomassodorworld
and Sodor Island Fansite would be delighted to see what Britt had originally intended.